Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

For All Missionaries

I was skipping through blogs the other day and I came across John Calvin's commentary on Philippians 2:21. I read his commentary before I read the verse- so that's the order I'll write it in. It's worth reading.

"For you must give up your own right if you would discharge your duty: a regard to your own interest must not be put in preference to Christ's glory, or even placed upon a level with it. Withersoever Christ calls you, you must go promptly, leaving off all other things. Your calling ought to be regarded by you in such a way that you shall turn away all your powers of perception from everything that would impede you. It might be your power to live elsewhere in greater opulence, but God has bound you to the Church, which affords you but a very moderate sustenance.
(haha) You might elsewhere have more honour, but God has assigned you to a situation, in which you live in a humble style. You might have elsewhere a more salubrious [healthful] sky, or a more delightful region, but it is here that your station is appointed. You might wish to have to do with a more humane people. You feel offended with their ingratitude, or barbarity, or pride; in short, you have no sympathy with the disposition of the manners of the nation in which you are, but you must struggle with yourself, and do violence in a manner to opposing inclinations, that you may keep by the trade you have got; for you are not free, or at your own disposal. In fine, forget yourself, if you would serve God."

AMEN, right? Wow. Here's to doing violence to opposing inclinations and turning away all our powers of perception to other things. Troy said something like this to me before I left for America, something about being where I am right now 100%. So yeah. I think all people working in ministry should know this quote. Plus, Calvin uses the word withersoever.

Now here's how Paul put it in Philippians. "For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ."
Succinct Paul, succinct.

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