Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How I'm Doing

So the last week or so has been good. I'm up in Northern Virginia for like the next two months. This support raising has been a little harrowing. I feel like there's a lot of work to do but a lot of waiting involved which I'm not normally good at;but, I'm learning.
Virginia has been kind of lonely, which I wasn't expecting at all. I mean, I've seen people and gotten to hang out with some good friends, but it's weird- I don't feel like I belong here anymore. I guess that's a good thing because if I did feel like I belonged I'd want to stay for longer than I'm able, but it's still weird. I feel like it's also a time in which I'm meant to focus on seeking the Lord for companionship and comfort. Sounds gooshy but whatever. I've been really convicted of spending most of my down time doing useless stuff instead of spending it in prayer or in study or even reading something beneficial.
I'm also a little discouraged lately because people keep saying things to me like, "well if your student loan is that high, I can't see you going straight onto the missions field..." or "hey, I found a job for you next year teaching, you know, if this whole missions thing doesn't work out..." or " you know, missions is usually something retirees do when they have money to blow. You're wasting your education..." Literally, word for word. I'm not even embellishing this time.
Usually I retort with some witty comeback like "you're a ho," or "well, I really feel called to Spain so I know God will come up with the money..." One of the two. But after hearing it from the people that I was expecting to be most supportive, it knocked me back and made me ask, "Have I really been called? Is this something I just really want to do? or is this something God is asking me to do? or both?" It's a tough question and I don't honestly know the answer. I do know, however, that the more I talk to people about what I'm going into, the more passionate about it I get and that I could talk all day long about my church, Oasis.
On the other hand, I feel like out of most people, I'm really irresponsible and I've taken a lot for granted in my life. I feel like I've had a lot handed to me. I feel like if there were ever a shoe to drop, now's the time, and it would be totally appropriate for God to be like, okay, you had a great four years, but welcome to your real life and the real world.
I know God isn't a cosmic killjoy, but I feel like the life I'm trying to prepare for is too good to be true and definitely too good for someone like me.
I also know God is gracious.


Anonymous said...

thanks for your honesty. support raising is a lonely, scary, hard time. hang in there--i'm praying for you.

it's amazing the things people say when they mean well but are saying exactly the wrong things. and when they come from people you expected to be supportive it hurts even more. just don't let the few ugly comments overshadow all the people (and there are lots) who believe in you and believe that you're headed right where God wants you to be.

i'm praying for you--i know the "when's the other shoe going to drop" feeling all too well and even when you know it's not true, it still is hard.

so hang in there. eat chocolate (but not too much). dance a jig. amen.

Paulo J said...

victoria! miss you & am praying for you. thanks for your friendship & know that, indeed, God is gracious and will provide for your needs. he will bless you for following him and will comfort you when you need it most. i don't know how many shoes you have that you're waiting for one of them to drop; you can't even wear that other one, since you're waiting for one to drop. claim back those shoes! and jes, jus remember that ju are so lobed, and we are so happy to hab you back in espain! un abrazoe!

Mary Clara said...

I've just started reading your blog (and am faithfully going to comment, to avoid posts like your most recent one:)), and it makes me miss you. The bloggers of Oasis finally won out, and I'm in now.
I am praying for you!

Em said...


You know deep down where you are supposed to be. Isn't it weird that you can feel more at home across the ocean than in your own back yard? That's God pushing you and giving you peace of mind. God has laid the path for you and you're taking it! Money is a struggle no matter if you're living off sponsorship or on a payroll, either way it always disappears! Be happy and full... and confident! xx