Someday I want to own a pub and work in it and meet people. This will hopefully be in a european country and maybe in the U.K. although if it's in the U.K. no one will come because who goes to a pub run by an american? Maybe Greece. Or China. I don't know yet.

Someday I want to live on a houseboat in silence. Maybe in silence. I'd like people to come and have parties with me on my houseboat so maybe I'd just be silent when no one was there. At this time I would also like to fish for all my own food and maybe grow some vegetables on board. I think it would be cool to be able to be self sufficient for a while and not have to buy anything. Although I think I would want dsl on my boat. either that or I want to not have the internet and just read all the time.

Someday I want to read all the time.

Someday I want to learn how to fly planes. I would like to know how to build a plane and fly it but if I just have to settle for flying a plane that would be cool too. Not big planes, like little two person ones.

Someday I want to be a mechanic. I already know what a distributor cap is and I think I could change my own oil. But I think it would be cool to be able to fix cars.

Someday I want to have a potato farm. I want to grow potatoes and carrots and radishes and all kinds of things that you can't see the final product until you pull it out of the ground. That would be sweet. I hope my potato farm is in Ireland or Scotland, but I would settle for potatoes anywhere. I would also like a goat or a cow on my farm and maybe some chickens. Maybe a sheep or two. I would also have spare rooms here for people to come and visit and I would make these people good breakfasts. ( I have recently perfected the fried potato or homefry if you will. This may sound like no big deal or an easy thing to master but I consider myself a pretty good cook, and it isn't.)

Someday I want to have like nine kids but I think this one might not be able to happen in time for me to do all the other ones. Maybe it can be when I have the potato farm, but I need to get started on being married soon I think because I don't want to have a bunch of kids in my 40s. Maybe six kids would be good. Anyways, I want a whole gaggle of children at some point.

Someday I want to be a missionary in a closed Muslim country. This will involve learning Arabic which I have already started but have sort of stopped. I think this one will happen in the next couple of years after I leave Madrid. I don't know yet. But, I want to wear a burka for a while.

Someday I want to own a hostel for homeless people. This could happen simultaneously with the pub but I think it would be cool to make friends with some homeless people like some of the ones I have now, and then invite them to come live with me in the hostel so they can find jobs and stop doing drugs and stuff.

I think that's all for now.
the extra sign says "for other vices."
how will you get dsl on your boat? doesn't that mean that your boat has to be attached to a phone line? so will your boat be on a dock the whole time. because no offence, but that would kind of suck. otherwise good plans.
"i will settle for potatoes anywhere"
explain to me how you would be quiet on the boat...last time i was on a boat with you i ignored you and you talked to ducks
the code to type this is has mbc in it ha
When you have a pub can i come and work in it? Or maybe we could be partners. I could import blackcurrant and cheese and onion crisps, both a must in any pub.
yes you can definitely work in my pub shani. you'll have to teach me what a proper pub is like anyways. im glad your english, for my sake.
Yeah, pretty sure the silence thing is NOT going to work out so well for you, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. :)
i like the ruminations. i, too, have thought of wanting a potato farm, but i´m looking more into an emu reserve. tomato, tomato, right?
update your blog loser...or visit boston...you choose
so John's comment made me crack up. in the middle fo my office. because I too read that whole "living in silence thing" and thought "yeah, that will NEVER happen."
Thankyou for the comment about the website but it's actually
for, as it says in our FAQ :
" (10) - Do you know you don't spell beggers [sic] like that?
Yes. The very kind friend that got us the domain name was in somewhat of a state of alchohol-induced dyslexia at the time and we couldn't afford another domain-name to spell it right. "
Be Lazy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU !
The Lazy Beggars
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