Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Date. Part III.

Part III. The Phone Call.

Sunday Night. Girl sleeps over Church Lady’s house. Church Lady has known both Boy and Girl since middle school and has discipled Girl for years. Church Lady knows “the Date” is a huge deal.
Girl wakes up with a knot in her stomach. Girl vows to never ask any boy out again ever.
Girl searches through her clothes and realizes that all of them are for summer camp and a missions trip to Mexico. GIRL HAS NOTHING TO WEAR ON DATE. Girl tries on Church Lady’s Daughters’ clothes and text messages pictures of herself to them with giant question marks. Girl tries on everything from skanky tube tops to prom dresses. Girl settles for orange shirt she already had in her suitcase and jeans.
Boy has told Girl that he will call her. Girl knows date is taking place tonight.
It is approaching three o’clock. Girl still doesn’t know when Boy is coming. This almost reminds Girl of Jesus preparing a place for her and she hopes her friends have enough oil and the dragon lady with the heads doesn’t devour the baby and golden gates of pearl....
Girl sits with her cell phone on one side of her and Church Lady’s house phone on the other side of her. Waiting.
Girl discusses with Daughters what time the Date will probably be and what the time means. 6:00 means friendy. 7:00 means datey.
Phone rings.
It is the first time Girl has ever talked to Boy on the phone. Girl stands up and paces the floor because who can talk to Boy sitting down? Plus she’s freaking out.
Boy informs Girl they are double dating with his Sister (other sister that the one Girl spent so much car time with.) and Boy’s Friend #1. Girl is a little relieved.
Boy tells Girl he was thinking about Benihana’s. Girl thinks of an episode of the Office where they go to a Japanese place where they cook the food right in front of you. “That Benihana’s?” Boy informs Girl “yeah.”
Boy asks Girl if 6:30 or 7:00 would be better.
Girl nonchalantly replies “um, seven?”
Boy and Girl chat for a minute then Boy interrupts Girl.
Boy: “ Can I start over?”
Girl: “What? Yeah?”
Boy: “Would you like to go out to dinner tonight with me?”
*Girl flips out inside, but plays it remarkably cool on the phone*
Girl: “Ha, YES!”
Boy and Girl chat a minute more then hang up. Girl has had successful phone conversation with Boy. Church Lady looks at Girl in expectation. Girl re-enacts phone conversation for Church Lady and she gasps and cheers in all the right places. So do Daughters.
Girl goes to take a shower and as she is jumping out, Girl’s awesome Roommate calls her from Spain. Roommate and Girl flip out. Roommate tries to calm Girl down but only succeeds in making her even more nervous even though Girl is greatly thankful for Roommate’s call.
Girl goes downstairs to wait for Boy.
Church Lady runs to the bathroom and informs Girl to not answer the door under any circumstance. Church Lady must open the door to greet Boy.

Girl sits on couch.

The doorbell rings.

Church Lady screams.

*sorry to those who thought this was the ending (Heather), there will be a fourth part. :-)*


Heather Cady said...

That is the worst ending ever. And wait, is the Church Lady with the perky little jive box? I'm confused, because I actually thought I was married to that one :)

John Carlson said...

i cant believe I'm reading this even though I witnessed almost all of its events and know all about this