Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Date. Part II.

Part II. The Email

Girl emails Boy to inform him that she will be in his vicinity between Summer Camp and Missions Trip for two days. Girl goes off to Summer Camp before hearing from Boy.
Girl is at Summer Camp with all of Boy’s friends and Boy’s Sister.
Everyone knows.
Boy’s Sister upon seeing Girl smiles a “I know what you did” smile. Girl hides behind Bible.
Boy’s Sister informs Girl not to worry and that Boy is “excited.” Girl feels a little better but still like a moron.

After multiple days, Girl musters up the courage to check her email. Boy has emailed Girl. It says so in the Inbox. Girl opens email. Boy asks Girl if double date is okay the Monday after she gets back from Summer Camp. Girl flips out and runs to Boy’s friends, who are also Girl’s friends, to inform them of the successful email conveyance of information.

Girl: “He emailed me back!”
Boy’s Friend #1: “Monday Night?”
Girl: “WHAT?!”
Boy’s Friend #1: “And I already know where you’re going.”
Boy’s Friend #1 leans over to Friend-Boy who conveniently left Girl to talk to Boy in Part 1 of the Date Saga and whispers in his ear.
Friend-Boy: “Nice place. I’m totally gonna show up on your date.”
Girl: “I’ll murder you and your family.”

Girl realizes everyone knows much more about this date than she does. Friggin’ idiots.

Sunday day. Girl rides home from Myrtle Beach to Northern Virginia (9 hours) with Boy’s sister. Girl tries to make funny jokes so it gets back to Boy she is funny. Girl is also a friggin’ idiot.

Part III "The Date" yet to come.

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