Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Date.

Although a little later than I intended, here it is, The Date story as promised.

Part I. The Question

Eighth Grade. Girl meets Boy. Boy is cute. Girl likes Boy.

Eighth grade through Junior year in college. Girl likes Boy. Boy is still cute. Girl doesn’t talk to Boy much, maybe once a year at camp, and Girl gets distracted every so often by other boys. However, Boy remains backup and underlying distraction to Girl.

This summer. June. Girl goes to mall with Girlfriends and is hanging out at the foodcourt. Girlfriends are intimately familiar with Girl’s fellings toward Boy. One Girlfriend who thinks she’s funny says “LOOK! Is that Boy??” Girl politely informs Girlfriend to shut it and “you’re not even funny.” Girl turns around to see Boy standing across the food court. Girl gets butterflies.
Girl with Girlfriends approaches Boy. Boy says hi to everyone but mostly looks at Girl making her face the color of Tammy Faye’s lips. Girl says bye and kicks herself for not asking for Boy’s phone number. Girl can’t concentrate for two days.

The next night. Girlfriends kidnap Girl and drive past Boy’s house. Girl screams in backseat and hides. Girl lies on Girlfriend’s very plush lawn with Girlfriends, giggles, and laments over her lack of guts to ask Boy out. (Girl knows Boy is afraid of girls and will never ask Girl himself.) Girlfriends think it’s funny to find his picture in their yearbooks and show them to Girl.

The next morning. Sunday. Girl goes to church. In church of 10,000 people, Girl is fully prepared and expecting to not even see Boy. Girl walks in. Boy is standing right there talking to mutual Friend-Boy who knows of Girl’s infatuation. Friend-boy thinks it’s funny to leave Girl to talk to Boy alone.

During Boy’s midsentence about whatever he was talking about, Girl interrupts with “I have two questions”
Girl: “I have two questions.”
Boy: “Uh huh”
Girl: “Do you have a girlfriend?”
*Completely ininterpretable look. Literally a look that a mind reader couldn’t figure out. I’m serious.*
Boy: “Um, no.”
*Weird smirk? Nervous smile? Scared look of pain????? I DON’T KNOW!”*
Girl takes deep breath and realizes she is literally getting dizzy.
Girl: “Blah Blah date Blah Blah imanidiot Blah sometime?”
Boy: “Sure.”
*Awkward Silence*
Boy: “Do you have like a number or something?”
Girl: “No.”
(I’m not exaggerating.)
*More Silence*
Girl loses ability to form words.
Girl: “Blah Don’t Blah Blah cellphone Blah mom’s Blah no charger Blah Blah have.”
Girl realizes what’s happening and that she lives 6 hours away from Boy.
Girl: “Can I email you to tell you when I’m gonna be up here?”
Boy: “Sure. Maybe we can catch a movie or something.”
Girl: “Okay. Bye”
Girl literally runs away. Seriously.

That afternoon Girl drives home five hours with nothing but her thoughts.

Stay tuned for Part II. "The Email."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"I don't know Amanda, why don't you ask the grass?"

"Was the sheep Dolly was cloned after named Dolly, too?"
"NO! Then you couldn't tell them apart!"