Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Cereal, and how to eat it properly. TROY.

Out of respect for the few readers that visit this site regularly and expect truth and wise musings here, I'll cut to the chase. Soggy Cereal is one of the best foods ever. Don't get me wrong, crunchy cereal is not bad, but it's like having hamburgers when you can have steak, or a strawberry lolly-pop when you can have real strawberries, or being on earth versus being in heaven with Jesus, who also likes his cereal soggy.

Frosted miniwheats are delicious when they have completely been soaked full of milk. Otherwise they are dry and stick in your throat. You could die.
Chex are delicious when they are half way in between soggy and bloated and fresh out of the box. They need to be half soggy to fully appreciate their delicate and complex taste. It's like letting wine age.

I think I love cereal as much as I love toast. I, like Nic Cady, prefer non-sugary cereals to the sugary ones. My favorites in America are Raisin Bran (I love raisins), Chex, Cheerios and Rice Crispies (also with Bananas like Heather said.) Cereals I do not like however include Golden Grahams, Cap'n Crunch, or Apple Jacks. I mean, I'll eat them, but I'm not a fan.
I think the only really sugary cereal I like would have to be Smacks- which Spain likes to call "Crock Bizz." There is a picture of a crocodile on the box. They are delicious.

Until next time, try not to let this new year make you rushed and hassled. Try slowing down to enjoy the finer things. Don't rush when eating your cereal for example. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit.


Anonymous said...

ok, i have to totally disagree with you here. on two counts. no, make that three:
1. soggy cereal is disgusting
2. golden graham's are delicious
3. croc bizz is the nastiest creation ever

Troy and Heather Cady said...

And God said to the church of the Victorians: "Nevertheless, I have one thing against you: you are neither soggy nor crunchy. I spew you out of my mouth. You are like Hegel:

Thesis: crunchy.
Antithesis: soggy.
Synthesis: croggy.

Since you are like Hegel, your taste in cereal comes from Hell, which, when I eat croggy cereal makes me go: "Heghel!" as if I'm hawking a loogie."

And, fyi, golden grahams = manna.

Anonymous said...

can i make that my new facebook photo? also: rice crispies are a waste of mass.

- claire