Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


What is Beauty? I'm in this art history class "Art History of the Renaissance" and it's a question we haven't really asked. I mean, we talk about beauty all the time. We label things as beautiful and less beautiful than that more beautiful one, but what exactly is beauty?

I think it's interesting that you can't really teach someone what is beautiful, or what beauty really is, you just sort of have to show them. You have to show them one thing that is beautiful, and another thing that is beautiful and then you have to figure out what those two things have in common, and that equals beauty. And to add to the equation, beauty isn't just applicable to visual things. You can hear something and say "that sounds beautiful." I think beauty can also be applied to smells too. We might call them delicious or wonderful, but I think it's really that we've found something beautiful about it.

Why is it that some days I feel like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world and other days I feel like I am the literal antithesis of beauty?

You know what I think? I think beauty is an emotion.

I think that something is beautiful when it makes us feel something beautiful. I think when a smell makes us exhale faster just so we can breathe it in again, we feel beauty. I think that when you wish you didn't have to blink so that you could only behold something that much longer, we feel beauty. I think that when you press repeat on your ipod four times to celebrate what you are hearing once again, we feel beauty. I have trouble driving at night in the states when I'm home because I don't have two sets of eyes. It deeply frustrates me that I have to put my eyes back on the road when there are so many stars. That is beauty.

Have there ever been moments when you wanted to curse the fact that you had to eat or sleep or go to the bathroom because it paused or ended a beautiful moment? I think that's why heaven is so appealing.

Nothing will ever end that Beauty.


John Carlson said...

A. How come you never told me you had a blog
B. What about the beauty of Christ? Emotion? Standard of beauty?
C. I have never felt like the most beautiful woman on earth.

John Carlson said...

u haven't posted in a week, and are hence worthless

Anonymous said...

i love this post and i think your ideas are great, but one question:

are you arguing that they don't poop in heaven?
