Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just keep waiting for me...

I changed the look of my blog because
1. the template was called "Son of Moto"
2. I'm bored, but have nothing useful or "of note" about which to blog.
3. if Amy S. hasn't been eating because of me not posting like kelly says, I don't want her to die. which should happen any day now.
4. again, "son of moto" is funny.


kelly_w said...

nice new look, daughter of moto. is that better?

what's this one, son of kiwi?

anyway, amy and i both ate tonight. and saw superman. and giggled.

and i like commenting daily. so until you put a fun story, i'm still going to post you. you will not defeat me!!!!!

kelly_w said...

tired of waiting. post.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!