Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

it tastes shiny.

It's been a while since I've posted so I feel like I owe it to someone to post. The problem is that I don't have anything to say. So, I will tell you irrelevant details about my life in hopes that maybe someday, maybe, I'll be famous. Not really. So, without further ado, useless information:

My grocery list so far:
Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Bread, Fruit and Sweetener

My biggest concern right now:
What to make for community group tomorrow night. I cant think of ANYTHING. Bummer.
Any suggestions?

Today I went to this Karate place on my block to ask them about what their deal is- and most of their classes are at night so I'm not sure it will work out because I need morning classes but I might try it. Did you know that I am a green belt in Tae Kwon Do? HAAAYAAA!

What I really want right now:

A food that I like raw but not cooked:
Carrots, although I'll eat them cooked. Cooked and cold isn't too bad- like on falafel. But raw carrots far surpass cooked ones.

Things I'm doing for the rest of the day:
Going food shopping; going to class (with scary, intimidating teacher); hanging out with perhaps the coolest girl ever, Amy M. Swaceeeena.

Ending Credits:
Producer- Victoria Stembokas
Director- Victoria Stembokas
Film editor- Victoria Stembokas
Main Actress- Victoria Stembokas (why is it not pc to say actress anyway?)
Makeup for Miss Stembokas- Victoria Stembokas
Stunts- Victoria Stembokas and Hammy
Sound- Victoria Stembokas
Victoria Stembokas inc. would like to specially thank Victoria Stembokas Shoes and Victoria Stembokas leather and Victoria Stembokas Convertibles. Also, a very special thanks to Victoria Stembokas.

(insert little symbols here)

Victoria Stembokas Productions


Amy S. said...

That's what he said.

Marianna said...

So, what did you make for community group? I'm having a dinner party tonight, and it makes me think of old times - wish you were here *sniff* It's my first dinner party since Spain!

Victoria said...

actually you'd be pretty proud of me- i'm still inspired by your cream sauce- i made chicken and noodles with cream sauce- with carrots. it turned out pretty good i think. i hope. i can never tell if my food's any good because i'll eat anything.

Marianna said...

Mmmm...I am impressed! Very creative of you! I'm sure that although it was not fish, it was delish and made quite a dish :)