Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

the life and times of cola cao.

i have a beef with cola cao; yes, the chocolatey powdered substance used to make the spanish version of chocolate milk- if you can call it that. see, there is cola cao instante (instant) and the normal cola cao. i bought the normal kind because they seemed to be out of the instant. the instructions on the normal kind say put a couple of spoonfulls of cola cao in a small amount of milk and mix it and then after add the rest of the milk. i did this. then i got this weird film about two centimeters thick on top of my cola cao chocolate milk drink. the darn stuff wouldnt dissolve. there was absolutely nothing i could do to get it to dissolve with the rest of the chocolate milk. i spooned most of it out, deciding if i drank it i might mutate into some foamy, non-dissolving beast but as i spooned it out, little did i know that i was just spooning out the flavor. now there is this little pile of chocolate-flavor non-dissolving foam-goo on the plate next to my sink. its just sitting there like that goo monster in ghost busters, with little airbubbles all over it.
in other news-
im really excited because i've been doing this bible study with some of my friends who arent christians here and its cool because one girl has been asking a LOT of questions lately and ive been telling her that maybe she should start praying so she gave me this weird look and changed the subject. yesterday she called me and told me that she couldn't sleep last night so she started praying and it super calmed her down and she fell right asleep and she was like, woah, it was great. and she also said that our last meeting where i talked about other religions and how they cant all be right and lead all to the same place made a lot of sense to her and she has more questions. so im really excited. pray for that- i want her to love Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, not all religions can be right. So we should all know that the correct one is.....Islam! Yeah! Allah is your daddy!
I hope my parents don't see this....

Marianna said...

Oh yes. Allah is your daddy. Do not ignore the call to mint tea.

Anonymous said...

Matt, if your parents seeing this is the only thing that you're worried about, we need to talk.
Victorino, I simpathize with you and the cola cao issue. My senora always tried to get me to drink it and never did I get through it without the film. It makes ok hot chocolate though.
Now that I've addressed the most important issue, I'll get back to the new Family Guy episode.

Anonymous said...

Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior.


It's over!