Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Victoria's Downfall Pool

We interrupt your normal "Italy" broadcasting with a special update from Victoria's recent life...

Troy is doing this Bible/Christian history class for whoever is interested. I was interested. I always seem to be interested in aquiring more knowledge than I have. I love to learn. I love to argue (just ask anyone that's been around me for more than five seconds...) and I love bouncing my ideas off everyone else just so they'll hear how smart I am.

Troy is smarter than me.

I don't know if any of you knew that *wink wink* but it's true. Last night, instead of having Christian History Survey part 3, we (Kelly, Enrique, Troy and I) went to Vips, got some food and had some good chatting time. (by good chatting time, I mean two hours of me asking Troy questions) If you would have told me a week ago that I would eventually want to get my masters and spend God knows how many more years in school, I would have told you that you are clearly not as smart as me; but apparently I'm not as smart as me. I want to go to seminary.

(Jerry Falwell with my friend Roxy)

okay. tuck that away, here comes the second part.

I'm in Philosophy 486 this semester, Philosophy of the Problems in Religion. The class is what it sounds like. We talk about the problems with any form of religion from a philosophical standpoint. It's very cool because I like arguing. I'm sure if Kelly were in the class, she'd probably stand up and scream, Why can't we all just get along?
Anyways, problems of religion. My professor is always referring to theology and philosophy in terms of baseball teams or something. It's always the Theologians or the Philosophers playing against each other. He said that, a couple hundred years ago, Philosophy was referred to as the 'handmaiden' of the queen of the sciences, Theology. He then retorted, yes, Philosophy had to walk in front of Theology everywhere she went holding a lamp, so as to not allow the "dumb broad" to fall flat on her face... You get the idea.

Can I just gloat for two seconds. Basically, it's my blog and I'll gloat if I want to... gloat if I want to, gloat if I want to... you would gloat to if it happened to YOU DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT! What happened you ask? Aw shucks... Okay I'll tell you.

part three... what happened to me today:

Before Semana Santa I had to write a paper for Philosophy talking about what faith is. It was a hard paper. I spent nine hours writing it, and get this, I actually LIKED IT! I actually smiled with glee as I wrote the conclusion! I actually giggled writing the paper because I saw scripture debunk some of these philosophical arguments I was arguing against. I giggled, no kidding. I love the Bible! But I digress..
Today I got that paper back. Heather offered to scan it for me so that I could post it as proof. But I thought that would make a cocky post even worse, so I'll just tell you what he wrote on it.

"A- good discussion... You should become a theologian! They need you. "

THEY NEED ME ON THEIR TEAM! How do I make this sound less conceited and proud? I guess I can't. But I think I'm pretty hot stuff right now. You know that saying "pride comes before a fall..." ? Someone could really win a lot of money if they opened up some sort of pool or something. You know like a baby pool? There could be a Victoria's downfall pool...

I can't wait to go to seminary...

...maybe I'll get my picture taken with Jerry too...


Heather Cady said...

Dear Victoria, thank you for providing entertainment during our dinner hour. I still think you should scan the page and post it though!


kelly_w said...

i'm proud of you! (how many times have i said that this year? i really am turning into a granny.) and you pegged me pretty well--i'm glad you're there to argue when i just want to run away :).