Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

From my friend Roxy's bedroom:

Hi. So I'm up in Virginia- Vienna more specifically... Actually even MORE exact, I'm in My friend Roxy's bedroom in Vienna sitting on the bed. That's where I am. In case you were wondering. Which I know you all were.

ANYWAYS, I've been up for a couple of days. It's been nice seeing people I haven't seen in a while and I saw the movie BATMAN which was AMAZING. Really good movie. Really. WAAAY better than Wall-E. I had to shut my eyes at one point because I was scared something was gonna happen but it didn't so it's okay. Vague, I know, but I don't wanna ruin the movie for anyone. But you should see it. All of you.

I'm also off to the Dominican Republic on Wednesday morning- like five am. That'll be exciting. I'm really looking forward to it. I'll let you know how it went when I get back so I won't be updating for awhile.

Nothing else TOO exciting- well, that's a lie, but I can't write EVERYTHING on my blog- has happened so that is all. For now.

Monday, July 14, 2008

An Interesting Week

So this week a lot has been going on.
I'm planning on going back up to Virginia on Wednesday to raise more support for a while and go to the Dominican Republic on a missions trip with my old church. I've been in NC for like twoish or more? months now (it's late and I can't remember) and I haven't had ANYONE to hang out with this whole time. Like, no friends. My family is great and everything but sometimes you need friends. So yeah, no friends until like the last week and a half and I've been hanging out with people for the last couple of days. I'm like, crap. Why now.

The next couple weeks are gonna be crazy. I don't really know what to do to raise more support and I don't feel prepared at all. So that's all about that.

Malaki turned one this weekend too. It's been fun hanging out with him. He's getting super cute. I hope he remembers me when I get back.

I'm going to miss talking to one person in particular I met recently. Darn.

My Nana (the Ukrainian one) will be living with us for the next month. I won't be around so she'll be staying in my room. Apparently she was getting tired of living with my uncle so she called me Wednesday night and was like "can you come up to Virginia and get me?" so that was random. So she'll be here for a while. On our way back from VA I got the abstinence talk for like an hour. She said, "If boy touch you, you kick him in butt and say 'I don' need you.'" Good call. I've logged that away.

I saw Wall-E. Not great. It was about robots falling in love. That robot in that G-rated movie got farther with the other robot than I have in real life. SAD. I am excited though to see the new Batman which comes out in a couple of days. So that's cool.

I've been learning a lot about fasting lately. I highly recommend it for anyone that feels in any sort of "funk." Instead of deciding to fast certain times during the month I've been experimenting with this sort of "lifestyle" of fasting. You fast for longer periods of time and only eat when you must, like before work or before physical activity you know will require food. You may eat one small meal per day, but you're still in an attitude of fasting and can go longer than if you're eating no food. The Lord's been working through that in me so that's pretty exciting. I still lack wisdom and discernment and conviction in areas that I need it though so I really want to continue with it. I just feel like sometimes I have sooo far to go before I can be used by the Lord. I know that's not true but I feel so illequipped sometimes.

I should go to bed. I got stuff I gotta do tomorrow. Please pray for me. I'm getting a little overwhelmed by life right now.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Psalm Index: Book II

Yes folks... It has been a while but I have indeed finished PSALM INDEX BOOK DEUX! It took me longer than the first book because I've been going through First Corinthians at the same time. SO, without further ado- I give you, my index.

Chapters 42-72
What God has for me- 56,57,65,66,68,71
Distress/Depression- 42,49,55,60,61,66,68,69
Sleep- Chapters 42,62,63
Who God is/God's Power- 44,46,49,52,59,62,63,64,65,66,68,71,72
Plea for Help- 44,55
Warnings/Bad personality Traits- 49,50, 53,58,62
What God wants from me- 50,51,54,55,64,66,69
Confession- 51,69
Fear- 56

I hope that encourages someone somewhere to get into scripture to deal with stuff that's happening to you.
The first installment is here.