Do not think me gentle because I speak in praise of gentleness, or elegant because I honour the grace that keeps this world. I am a [wo]man crude as any, gross of speech, intolerant, stubborn, angry, full of fits and furies. That I may have spoken well at times, is not natural. A wonder is what it is. (Wendell Berry)

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Day That Nothing Happened

hey... kelly comes back in fifteen days. it's funny to think, but we've been roomates for a couple of months now, but i think we've only lived together for like three days. ive decided that im not gonna capitalize anymore. its a public institution that has far outlived its usefullness.
i couldn't decide what to write, although a new update is way past due. so i figured.. if i cant think of something now, i have to ride the wave of my previous creativity. thats right, were breaking out the old journals.
Friday, November 19, 1999
"Nothing happened. (smiley face drawn in)

let's analyze this. on the nineteenth of november, nineteen ninety nine, nothing happened. i dont know how many times in history absolutely nothing happened, but i trust the journal i wrote when i was thirteen as a historically accurate document. therefore, we have something amazing here. nothing happened. people got up, ate breakfast, went to work/school, had work/school all day, in the middle, they ate an ordinary lunch, probably went to the bathroom during the day, came home, watched tv, ate dinner, watched more tv, and went to sleep. the next day was probably much more exciting and fun. in fact, this november nineteenth, in five days, will be the six year anniversary of that day, the day where nothing happened. it will be a saturday, and i will be in barcelona- so that day of nothingness will obviously not be repeated. but i will celebrate it with dance and song. maybe i'll write a dirge.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Something To Think About

I was listening to a sermon by Ravi Zacharias and he gave this little tidbit of greatness that I want to share with everyone. And yes mom, I will post pictures eventually.

"One of the just men came to Sodom determined to save its inhabitants from sin and punishment. Night and day he walked the streets and markets protesting against greed and theft, falsehood and indifference. In the beginning people listened and smiled ironically. Then they stopped listening; he no longer even amused them. The killers went on killing, the wise kept silent as if there were no just men in their midst. One day a child, moved by compassion for this unfortunate teacher, approached him with these words: 'poor stranger, you shout. you scream. dont you see that it is hopeless?'
'Yes I see that,' said the just man.
'Then why do you go on shouting and screaming?'
'I'll tell you why, little boy. In the beginning I thought I could change man. Today I know I can't. If I still shout today, if I still scream today, it is to prevent man from ultimatly changing me.' " ~Some Jewish Guy whose name I dont remember

very interesting.